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(简体字) 试着一点点解开乱麻
(简体字) r:ead基本上没有展示会场,这个活动本身其实也并不需要给人们展示自己的作品。这对于艺术家来说,相当于没有“必须要做出一件作品给别人看”的强制性要求,这给我们各自进行自己的实验提供了一个空间,是一个非常有趣的企划。(虽然强制性要求也确实可以催化某些作品的诞生)
(简体字) 消失与流传 / 事物与传说
(简体字) 【过去发生的一切是怎样被人们记载并流传下来的?对这些事物的存在及表现形式、意义的改观,进而探讨如何对那段被封存着的历史进行开封及体验。】
Motoyuki Shitamichi
Graduated from Musashino Art University’s Department of Painting in 2001, followed by postgraduate studies at the Tokyo College of Photography until 2003. Shitamichi is now known for publications based on fieldwork. For instance, during a four year period, he traveled around Japan, surveying and photographing the remains of gun emplacements, fighter hangars, and other military structures, publishing his work as Bunkers series (2001-2005). He has also photographed Japanese shrine gates remaining in America, Taiwan, Russia, Korea, and other locations from Japanese colonial days, publishing his work as the well-known Torii series (2006-2012).
His works neither document scenes, nor archive historical facts. Instead, they concern stories that had been largely forgotten, buried by our everyday lives and concerns, or everyday things that are so insignificant that they never reach our subconscious. Shitamichi captures them through methods such as photography, events, and interviews, edits them to give them a tangible existence, and presents (re-presents) them as events that are still relevant to us today. In 2012, Shitamachi won the Gwangju Biennale Noon Award for emerging artists.