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(简体字) 世界博览会
(简体字) 这次的r:ead东亚对话驻地计画中,我以“世界博览会”做为概念出发,创作了一系列纸上拼贴作品。首先我收集了自1851年以来,日本所有曾参与过的世界博览会的宣传海报,包括1970年以“人类的进步与和谐”为主题的大阪万博博览会,1975年以“海–充满希望的未来”为题的冲绳世界海洋博览会,1985年以“居住与环境,人类居家科技”为题的筑波世界博览会,1990年以“人类与自然”为题的大阪园艺世博会,以及2005年以“自然的睿智”为主题的爱知世界博览会。将这些海报影像以A4文件大小呈现,然后拼贴上所属当年度发生的各类重要国际事件网路影像,让这些下载列印出的图像所传递的讯息意义在同一视觉平面上彼此交叠。以下是博览会主题与部份事件的相互对照:
(简体字) 怀旧与考现:关于1930年代的亚洲断章
(简体字) 如果怀旧(nostalgia)是为了回味过去,考现(modernology)是为了了解过去在现在的挪移转用,那么,许多当代的创作,都倾向将怀旧与考现加以叠合,形成一种奇妙的当下时间机器。在这一篇文章里,我想将这架时间机器的按纽,调拨到1930年代,观察艺术家们如何针对1930年代,进行特异的怀旧与考现,同时,让我们从亚洲自身的状况开始,再以亚洲作结。
Pei-Shih Tu
Born in Miaoli County in Taiwan in 1981, Pei-Shih Tu graduated from the Department of Fine Arts and Crafts Education of the National Taichung University. In 2005, she enrolled in the Department of Art of Goldsmiths, University of London and received an MFA in Art Practice in 2007. She is now a promising young artist in Taiwan and has won the Taiwan Fellowship Award from Asian Cultural Council, New York in 2009. Using stop-motion animation and collage as techniques, Tu’s work focuses on new possibilities between images and narration, and the relationship between fantasy and reality in modern societies.
She was invited to participate in several group exhibitions, such as Memories and Beyond–2010 Kuandu Biennale (Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, 2010), Dual Senses and Dynamic Views–Contemporary Art Exhibition Across the Taiwan Straits of 2011 (National Art Museum of China, Beijing, 2011), Ambiguous Being (Hong-gah Museum, Taipei, 2012), Boundaries on the Move: Taiwan–Israel, a cross-culture Dialogue (Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art, 2012), What We See (The National Museum of Art, Osaka, 2013), Smash Palace (White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney, 2013) and Illuminations: Taiwanese Media Art Exhibition (Institute of Contemporary Arts, Singapore, 2013). Current solo exhibitions include Another Beautiful Day–A Solo Exhibition by Pei-Shih Tu (Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, 2009), The Adventures in Mount Yu–A Solo Exhibition by Pei-Shih Tu (Project Fulfill Art Space, Taipei, 2010) and The Visible Story–A Solo Exhibition by Pei-Shih Tu (Hong-gah Museum, Taipei, 2012).