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(简体字) r:ead、国家主义、国家、东亚、孙逊、而后再回到r:ead
(简体字) 值此亚洲满是剑拔弩张气氛的时期,一群来自这股气氛、但却是不同国家的人们齐聚一堂。这个画面不仅给予每个参加者相当程度的内心刺激,也提供了所有人一个大量思索的契机。
(简体字) 日本和中国的自由女神 ——来自于孙逊的对话
(简体字) 那是在r:ead的一次小旅行中,我们一起去台场时发生的故事。当我回头去找迟迟没有跟来的孙逊时,发现他一直在盯着台场的自由女神像。他诧异的问我,为什么这里竟然会有这样一座雕像。
Hitomi Hasegawa
Curator Hitomi Hasegawa, who is residing in Hongkong, has been the director of the Moving Image Archive of Contemporary Art (MIACA) since 2006. Hasegawa is a PhD candidate of the School of Creative Media, City University Hong Kong.
Since 2000, Hasegawa has curated several exhibitions such as We are Boys! Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, Mistetskiy Arsenal Art Museum Kiev, What’s the difference between.? Kunstbüro in Vienna, Kulturhuset in Stockholm, The Breathing Room – Patricia Piccinini Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, No Ordinary Skulpturenshus in Stockholm, Early Heaven Beppu Project Oita, Stockholm Syndrome ZAIM Yokohama. She curated the screening programs for the Oberhausen Short Film Festival, the Istanbul Film Festival and IAS Media Seoul. At MIACA, Hasegawa organized exhibitions of unitednationsplaza, Paul Chan, Adrian Paci, Cao Fei and many others. In 2009-2010, she was a visiting researcher of Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong with the grant of the Japanese Government Overseas Program. In 2012-2013, she is working for the Setouchi Trienniale in Japan.
She furthermore is the manager of the Japanese artist group The Group 1965 since 1997, a member of the Free Media Research Lab (fmrl) and Free Art and Technology Tokyo (FAT Tokyo) since 2008.