
Lin Hsin-I

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(简体字) 入流亡所—新月、团块、无名之岛


(简体字) 关于「对话」(dialogue / r:ead),无可避免地总让我想起「语言」,而关于「语言」,无可避免地让我对準「叙事者」、「发话者」、「画外音」。如果说中国、日本、韩国、台湾的群组分別收纳了第一人称的主词言说以及第三人称的不及物在场观察,那么r:ead活动「对话」的翻译群组则是游移在诸种语言与意识的「介系词」。然无论是哪一种发话词,所有的「对话」都是某种个人诠释的表达。

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Lin, Shin Yi

1974 Born in Taiwan.
1996 Graduated from the department of Fine Art & Creafs Education ,National Hsinchu University of Education.
2003 Obtained her M.A. of Plastic Arts, Tainan National University of The Arts
2009-2010 Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Fine Art (TungHai University) & Institute of Applied Arts(National Chiao Tung University)
2013 Received her Ph.D. of Applied Arts, National Chaio Tung University
2013-present Assistant Professor, Department of Material Arts & Design, Tainan National University of the Arts”
Solo Exhibition:”Resurrection‧Margin”, “Cité intemationale des arts”