
Ahn Sohyun

Latest Topic

Power of Non-Segmented Conversation


(简体字)  以互相不同的语言,对未完成的作品计画进行对话 ── r:ead的目标在一开始是如此的看起来不可能。对于带着「沟通必须要以一致与透明为基础」这样先入为主观念的我,实在无法轻易相信,要在不透明的条件下进行并不简短的对话。在「为艺术烦恼」的最小共通点下,要和陌生的人、陌生的语言、陌生领域的人分享什么样的内容?不过,在以「亚洲城市‧游牧民」为主题的r:ead#3计画中,让我完整「体验」了在多重语言混载中,丰富的不透明沟通方式。

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Ahn Sohyun

Sohyun Ahn is a curator at Nam June Paik Art Center, especially interested in the signification in exhibition space and the political nature of art. She studied Aesthetics and received her master’s degree in French contemporary aesthetics. After her Master2(former D.E.S.S) in Museology and New Media, she received Ph. D. with the thesis titled Sense of Museum Space: Semiotic Analysis of Museographic elements in France. Her exhibitions include X_sound: John Cage, Nam June Paik and After, Tireless Refrain, Learning Machine, Nam June Paik on Stage, Good Morning Mr. Orwell 2014, etc. She was awarded the 2012 Wolgan Art Prize.