
Xun Sun

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(简体字) “r:ead”所思 生活永远在別处


(简体字) 通常自己遇到麻烦的时候,总不免觉得别人有可取之处。那不过是“盼望借他山之石,作为改革的依据”,由此建构了一个理想化的乌托邦。而今天,我们同样也有一个特别美丽的“异托邦”。反之亦然,当自己仍然自欺欺人地沉醉在逝去的辉煌时,也总免不了去有选择性的制造一个糟糕的对手,仅仅只盯着阳光下的阴影来继续麻醉自我,不肯正视现实,就如淸代的中国在鸦片战争前夕对英国在认识上的无知。

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(简体字) 东亚是空的


(简体字) 关于今天的东亚,是关于美国人眼中的东亚,还是关于安倍和习近平之间的东亚,还是普世价值下的东亚?中国人,日本人或者韩国人的东亚?如果站在上述的任何立场去面对这样的问题,并且没有真正的去”游历”或者”经历”这些所谓"东亚”涵盖的地域以及文化,那么,偏离真实的无知与狭隘就会让一个人抱着已有的而且是自己都难以说清从何而来的论点去针对性的寻找论据甚至去臆想论据!那样,没有什么不是表面的,人就会丢了独立的思考和智慧!对真实的世界视而不见。活像一只马戏团的小狗,怎样被训练都可以。不要忘记,今天的世界是一个全球化的世界!对于文化,全球化带来的一个巨大的风险是我们自己已经被”奴役”了还不自知,甚至还要更加的自以为是!所谓的”正确性”正在悄悄的变得廉价,而且大多数的人并不怀疑也不惊醒,就像温水里的青蛙。

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Xun Sun

Born in Fuxin (Liaoning Province) in 1980. After his graduation from the Print-Making Department of China Academy of Fine Arts in 2005, he established his own animation studio “π“ in 2006. Sun won the Best Young Artist Award of the Chinese Contemporary Art Awards (CCAA) in 2010. He applies traditional Chinese drawing techniques in his monochromatic, highly detailed hand-drawn animation film, which often caricatures the society politically. He has shown his works in numerous exhibitions and festivals.

His solo exhibitions include Magician Party and Dead Crow (ShanghART Beijing, 2013), Undefined Revolution (Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, 2012), People’s Republic of Zoo (University of Essex, UK, 2009), Shock of Time (The Drawing Center, New York, 2009), New Chinaem (Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, 2008).
His recent group exhibitions include INK ART: Past as Present in Contemporary China (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2013, upcoming), Clutch (ShanghART H-Space, Shanghai, 2013), China China (Pinchuk ArtCentre, Kiev, Ukraine, 2013), and Documentary Fortnight 2013: MoMA’s International Festival of Nonfiction Film and Media.

His work 21KE(21 Grams) (2010) was the first Chinese animation film ever to be premiered at the Venice Film Festival. He has participated in such as the “Yohohama Artist in Residence” (organized by Yokohama CreativeCity Center) in 2010..