
Hwang Kim

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(简体字) 生在这个时代,处于东亚的我们,应该采取什么行动?


(简体字)  2013年12月,2014年2月所举办的r:ead艺术驻地项目,给了我一个很好的机会,可以在最重要的时刻,和最重要的人士一同渡过。这个论坛之中,共邀请了4名年轻的艺术家、4名年轻的策展人、r:ead艺术驻地项目总监相马千秋、以及各位活跃优秀的工作伙伴。他们特地空出了宝贵的时间,与我们一同探讨当代的艺术和社会相关的重要议题。在活动的议论之中,与会者在理解过去的艺术及社会架构的基础上,再进一步地从各个角度进行了批判。从年轻人随性的发言和简短的资料中,我感觉到强烈的协作伙伴意识。

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(简体字) 关于“脱艺术”


(简体字) ▲金 海珠: 这次通过r:ead活动久别重逢,给了我们深思各自在创作环境所遇到的和关心的问题的机会;也让我们各自探索了对现代美术和批判性设计的极限,在不放弃的基础上,思考了如何摸索新方法。但是这个极限,应该不只是在艺术本身内部发生的问题。

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Hwang Kim

Hwang Kim born in Seoul, South Korea, studied at Hong-ik University He moved to London and gained a MA in Design Products from the Royal College of Art. He has been working as a designer, artist as well as an activist.

His projects start from the premise that our current global society, with its prevailing techno-political system, faces challenges of an unprecedented scale.

Hwang is asking himself how his activity can contribute to alternative models of living and production by commenting on and addressing issues currently beyond the usual scope of design – political, social or ecological. Hwang is exploring the potential of creating tangible objects or interventions which impact at a behavioural level, by engaging with new methods of production and dissemination.