
PARK Gahee

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PARK Gahee

Gahee Park is a curator based in Seoul, Korea and has been working at Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA) since 2013. Her main interest is on exhibition-making and its possibility of producing a performative platform where art practice becomes a model of action. Through the exhibition-making, she attempts to address issues of ‘now and here’ around us and evoke questions and critical thoughts on it. Her curatorial practices include <SeMA Exhibition Archive 1988-2017: Read Write Speak>(2016), <Urban Legends>(2016, in collaboration with the Pavillon Neuflize OBC, research lab of the Palais de Tokyo), <Re-play: 4 Platforms & 17 Events>(2015), <Malfunction Library>, <The Growing Manual>(2014). Recently, she has translated self-organised( mediabus, 2016) with her colleagues Hyo Jeon and Eunbi Cho. She studied contemporary art theory.