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Jin Zhen was born in Yanji City, Jilin Province in 1990. From 2009 to 2016 she finished her Bachelor degree in Arts Education and MFA in Traditional Chinese Painting. She is currently a student in Ewha Woman’s University, working on a combine master/PhD program in Studies of Visual Arts. She has participated in ‘The First Jilin Provincial Oil Painting Biennial Exhibition’, ‘The 8th Culture And Art Festival Of Songzhuang China’, ‘ Nanjing International Art Festival’, ‘Emerging Artist 2015’ and ‘Shinchon Urban Regeneration Project: Korea China Art Project’. Her paintings has been shown in the journal of ‘World Affairs Pictorial (Art)’ (2015) in China and her essays have been published in different journals as well: ‘Contemporary Art is a lifestyle—The Case Study of Gu Dexin’ in ‘Jin Tian’ (2015) , and ‘Overlapping memory and the controversy of the identity’ in ‘Palace of Art’ (2016). Besides, she has also curated exhibitions such as “SECRET” 5 Person Exhibition (Beijing) and “The Outside” Double joint Exhibition (Tibet lhasa) .