
Jow-Jiun Gong

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(简体字) 世界观的重新构造:东京荒川线物语


(简体字) 当今之世,面对新自由主义下的国家治理、话语政治和资本主义的细致发展,特别是在亚洲的发展,如何构造穿越民族国家、穿越意识型态、穿越消费拟像的世界观,当代艺术的生产联结,跨越过重重拟像的沙漠,或许是结合潜在力量的最佳部署起点。

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(简体字) 怀旧与考现:关于1930年代的亚洲断章


(简体字) 如果怀旧(nostalgia)是为了回味过去,考现(modernology)是为了了解过去在现在的挪移转用,那么,许多当代的创作,都倾向将怀旧与考现加以叠合,形成一种奇妙的当下时间机器。在这一篇文章里,我想将这架时间机器的按纽,调拨到1930年代,观察艺术家们如何针对1930年代,进行特异的怀旧与考现,同时,让我们从亚洲自身的状况开始,再以亚洲作结。


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Jow-Jiun Gong

Born 1966 in Chayi, Taiwan. In 1998, Gong graduated from the Department of Philosophy of the National Taiwan University with his dissertation Dialectics between Body and Imagination: Nietzsche, Husserl, Merleau Ponty. After teaching positions at several universities in Taiwan, in 2007, he was appointed associate professor and director of the doctoral program in art creation and theory at the Tainan University of the Arts. From 2009, he also organized the quarterly art magazine Art Critique in Taiwan (ACT), as chief editor and chairman and established it as a public journal. One year later, in 2010, ACT won the Prize of National Publication as Outstanding Cultural Magazine.

Gong is also acclaimed as Chinese translator of writings by Gaston Bachelard, Maurice Merlau-Ponty and Carl Gustav Jung into Chinese.

Besides his research, Gong is engaging with curatorial activities. In 2013, he curated the exhibition Are We Working too Much? at the Eslite Gallery, Taipei. Related to the exhibition, he published two books, Are We Working too Much? I: Workbook, Are We Working too Much? II: Field Narratives. In that same year, he was appointed dean of the College of Visual Art of the Tainan National University of the Arts.